Become a Booster Club Member.
The Booster Club supports and enriches the wrestling experience for our athletes by providing funding for travel expenses, needed equipment, facility improvements and program expenses not covered by school funding.
Our Valued Booster Club Members
Tony and Reagtan Antonacci
Jeff Blake and Sandi Kern
Roger and Holly Borbon
Wade and Andrea Burgess
Matt and Laura Heinrich
Rachel Scott Fred and Kathy Murabito Joe and Sandra Simpson Edueardo and Raquel Trigo John and Erica Walsh
Kyle and Danielle Anderson
Mathew and Melanie Greer
Benjamin and Lindsey Maclean
Phillip and Marrisa Tamez
Ryan and Jennie Vasquez
Our Booster Club Officers
President: Bob and Lena Murray
Vice President: Andrea Burgess
Secretary: Andrea Burgess
Treasurer: Kirk Rasmussen
Social Media Coordinator: Luke Burgess
Become a Booster Club Member.
The Booster Club supports and enriches the wrestling experience for our athletes by providing funding for travel expenses, needed equipment, facility improvements and program expenses not covered by school funding.
Download our Booster Club Membership form to enroll

Our Booster Club Officers
President: Bob and Lena Murray
Vice President: Andrea Burgess
Secretary: Andrea Burgess
Treasurer: Kirk Rasmussen
Social Media Coordinator: Luke Burgess